How to Get Away With Murder Recap 10/18/18: Season 5 Episode 4 Its Her Kid

How to Get Away With Murder Recap 10/18/18: Season 5 Episode 4 "It's Her Kid"

Tonight on ABC their hit drama How To Get Away With Murder (HTGAWM)  airs with an all-new Thursday, October 18, 2018, episode and we have you How To Get Away With Murder recap below!  On tonight’s HTGAWM season 5 episode 4 “Annalise and Nate look to get Nate’s dad a psych evaluation so that they can have his case retried under an insanity plea. Meanwhile, Michaela works overtime to convince Tegan to give her a chance to earn her trust back, and Bonnie gets an offer she mulls over.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our How To Get Away With Murder recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our HTGAWM recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here.

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How To Get Away With Murder (HTGAWM) begins tonight with Annalise Keating (Viola Davis) arriving at the Salsa Club where Tegan Price (Amirah Vann) is happy she came. Annalise isn’t in the mood to dance as she recalls her conversation with Nate Lahey (Billy Brown) about Bonnie Winterbottom’s (Liza Weil) sister stealing Bonnie’s newborn son from the hospital.

Annalise swears she didn’t know anything about this and Bonnie believes the baby was born dead; Nate feels Bonnie needs to know but Annalise thinks her sister is trash and probably sold the baby for smack and Bonnie is better off as the baby was a result of rape! Nate tells Annalise she cannot run from this and has to tell her. Tegan drags Annalise onto the dance floor, making her loosen up and enjoy the night.

Laurel Castillo (Karla Souza) brings Michaela Pratt (Aja Naomi King) electrolytes, learning she got drunk over Tegan and Asher Millstone (Matt McGorry); and it was Frank Delfino (Charlie Weber) who brought her home. Michaela tells Laurel they need to work together to stay away from their exes. Asher arrives to try to work on his best man duties, but Oliver Hampton (Conrad Ricamora) tells him to stop trying to make Michaela jealous and they can’t afford to have plus ones at their wedding.

Ronald Miller (John Hensley) announces to Bonnie that he is officially the new DA, she kisses him saying he deserves it. He feels he wouldn’t have made it there without him. He gets on his knee asking her to sign the HR form and wanting them to make their relationship official.

Nate and Annalise go to the prison to meet with Nate Lahey Sr. (Glynn Turman), revealing they plan on using an insanity defense at trial, so they need him to a psychiatric evaluation. The psychiatrist will be asking questions about the past, Nate Sr. says he will get through the bad memories and anything in order to sleep on Nate’s couch.

Once outside, Annalise demands to know why Nate hasn’t told his father that the best case scenario is him ending up in a psychiatric facility? Nate bargains and says if Annalise tells Bonnie, he will tell his pops. She shouts at Nate, saying he doesn’t have the right to mess with anyone else’s trauma and leaves.

Frank finds nothing important on Gabriel Maddox’s (Rome Flynn) emails, but his call is interrupted when Oliver shows up at the door informing Frank that he found a program that hacks flip phones. Frank says he found a guy to do it; Oliver reveals he knows he is looking into Gabriel and when Frank denies it, Oliver suggests he will ask Annalise, Frank shows him the files saying Annalise has him look into all her law students.

At C&G, the students arrive and are welcomed by tables full of Ruthie’s Burgers. Michaela is thrilled that Ruth Stevenson (Susan Angelo) is coming there. Emmett Crawford (Timothy Hutton) suggests they pace themselves and wants them to impress their possible new client. Gabriel asks why they would take on a client that is in the middle of a boycott, telling them a manager fired all their black employees accusing them of stealing. Michaela offers her services but Conner Walsh (Jack Falahee) reminds her that Annalise needs them for her clinic; but Emmett says without these clients, there will be no clinic, Michaela is more than willing to help.

Emmett tells Annalise he needs her for the Ruthie’s case, she says as long as it is in her office as she is better in small doses. Emmett leaves, telling Tegan to come along with him as it will be fun. Oliver is concerned as Connor confirms that he knew Annalise does a check on all her students, but they can’t discuss it any further when Gabriel tells them Keating wants them.

The clinic students are told to research the boxes of 30 years, saying Nathaniel Lahey has been failed by every institution that was supposed to protect him and they shouldn’t be next on the list. Laurel tells Annalise she can visit baby Christopher any time she wants at the daycare. Nate looks up Julie Winterbottom as Annalise visits her godson, saying he has just made her day.

Annalise has a flashback when Bonnie was giving her advice when she was pregnant and how to ease the pressure of late pregnancy. She also recalls when Bonnie was forced to testify, questioning whether she was having a hysterical pregnancy. Annalise calls Bonnie, saying they should do lunch and Bonnie asks where to meet.

Nate watches as a woman pulls out a blond man who just shot drugs into his arm. She yells at him, asking how stupid he is. Nate takes photos and calls Annalise, sending her the photos, revealing he found Bonnie’s sister and is on leave until after his father’s trial; Annalise orders him to leave and do nothing else.

Oliver calls over Connor, showing him that Gabriel broke some guy’s face, and he beat up some doctor. Connor tells him that Nate Sr. is going to die in prison if they don’t win this case and that is their priority. Laurel finds that Nate Sr complained of heart palpitations the morning of the murder but guards wouldn’t let him see a doctor; heart rate is a sign of a manic episode. Gabriel says to Laurel they have something in common, as his mother is pretty screwed up.

Bonnie explains to Annalise about the HR form and doesn’t think that Miller shouldn’t pressure her. Bonnie wants to know what they are really doing there; Annalise tells her they need an advance list of the witness list for Nate Sr.’s case.

Michaela meets with Ruth Stevenson, and Emmett is glad that Annalise is back in time to meet Ruth. She says Annalise is more lovely than on the news, asking her if her hair is real, attempting to touch it. Tegan smiles as Ruth says it was a compliment. Gabriel follows Annalise into her office, asking her how she is okay representing someone like Ruth? She says being clueless doesn’t make her money less green and that money is what will help her blow up the system! She says they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, but wonders if he is anti-Robin Hood too; then hands him ADA Winterbottom’s name and tells him to go pick up a package.

Nate comes to the DNA lab with a needle from the young, blond boy’s car. He can’t reveal what the DNA is for as she knows he is on leave. She says this is the last time she is doing this. Gabriel finds Asher at the DA’s office, he wants to know why Bonnie separated from Annalise, but she won’t tell him and says she needed that file like yesterday!

Bonnie assures Asher that she is boring and good. He sometimes thinks about them, if he didn’t mess things up or was smarter than they would be a thing. She tells him that she is tired and he should go home.

Michaela stops Tegan, saying they could backmail Ruth into becoming their client due to the violations they were doing to their employees; Tegan asks if she can turn her big idea into something and she only has until tomorrow.

Frank arrives at the house livid at Oliver for hacking up dirt on Gabriel. He orders Oliver to stop snooping around and leaves when Connor says they have to work on Senior’s case. Meanwhile, Annalise questions Nate Sr. about his memory on the day of the murder. Sr. doesn’t want to say he was asking for cake while he had blood on his hands; Annalise says everything rests on this one question, whether he understood if it was right or wrong on killing Gerald Rinhoff. He needs to say he didn’t.

Tegan and Emmett meet again with Ruth, who is mortified with what she did after she had her assistant research why someone should never touch an Afro-American’s hair. Michaela brings in the research, but Tegan tells her to sit. She informs Ruth that she is specifically the problem which causes Ruth to ask Emmett if he brought her back to have more of his employees insult her?

Tegan tells her to step down as CEO immediately and that she means the change by making Tegan the head of her legal team; an African American. She is shocked that Emmett supports this, but he backs Tegan 100%. Michaela is furious when Tegan reveals she was testing her to see if she could step off her pedestal for one night, and do the boring back breaking grunt work lawyers do to make cases; and she actually did it! Tegan says yesterday she hated her at a 10, today it’s an 8.

Laurel and Oliver show Connor that the doctor Gabriel beat up was the one who over-prescripted his mother’s pills. Connor wants to see what is in his files, and he sees something, saying “all she does it lie!”

Senior is questioned by the psychiatrist, while Annalise and Nate still debate telling Bonnie about the baby. Annalise feels she is too tired to take care of anyone else, he thinks its a chance for Bonnie to get back what she lost. Senior recalls the day of the murder, and how Gerald was laying dead in the dirt. She asks if in that moment did he know what he did was wrong. He says all he knew was he wanted a slice of cake.

Annalise returns to the clinic and reveals the judge has made her decision and after a successful psych evaluation, they get to argue their defense; Connor Walsh is told he gets to be her second chair. Connor confronts Annalise in her office about helping him back into school, she says she did it because he was suicidal and didn’t want his blood on her hands. He wants to know why him? She wants to change the damn world, comparing herself to Martin Luther King, trying to blow up the justice system. She tells him that they all want her to be nice and save the world but that isn’t her; she walks out informing Gabriel Maddox that he is now her second chair.

Emmett apologizes, but she says not to apologize for his people as she won’t for hers. He is happy they signed her and congratulates her for the Lahey case. He lies about going to London for face time with the board, but she asks about the misconduct situation, confronting him about not being able to be alone with any female clients. He says he isn’t allowed to talk to her about it legally and tells her to go.

Sr. tells Nate that he passed, but Nate remains serious telling his pops that after trial and the jury finds him not guilty, he cannot come home with him as he will be placed in a mental facility and there is no way around it. Sr. doesn’t seem disappointed because there are no bars, a private room and bathroom; it’s a win in his book. Nate leaves and breaks down outside in his car; his phone rings and his relationship ends. He does however get the results from the DNA test.

Bonnie signs the HR paperwork, giving them permission to go public with her and Miller’s relationship. Just before she hands in the paper, Annalise calls her. Gabriel does a search of ADA Bonnie Winterbottom, learning about Wes Gibbons. Bonnie comes over to Annlise’s where she shows Bonnie the file that Denver had on her and the photos of the man who is living with her sister, Julie.

It turns out the DNA doesn’t match, Bonnie cries that Nate didn’t destroy the file believing that she wanted to feel what he felt when he was thinking of his dad. Bonnie curls up in Annalise’s arms and tells her she is allowed to feel nothing and forget all of this and just be where she is or they can find him; either way Annalise will be there for her.


At Connor and Oliver’s wedding, Connor is on the dance floor as the DJ keeps calling for Oliver. Michaela looks at Bonnie, when Connor and Laurel approach her wondering where Oliver is; she suggests calling him. Michaela calls Nate’s phone, which rings in Bonnie’s pocket, she hangs it up and Michaela leaves a message before she sees that Bonnie has the phone.

Annalise returns from the wedding and breaks down on her living room floor and hysterically breaks down.

