Louis Tomlinson Encourages Fans to Help His Sweet Friend Georgie

When Louis Tomlinson uses his social media platform to ask for help, donations, or positivity, beautiful things happen, so when he took to Twitter on June 22nd and asked for love and donations for his friend Georgie, fans jumped at the opportunity to provide both.  Rett Syndrome may be just two words to you, but to Georgie, it’s a defining part of her life.

Rett Syndrome is a postnatal neurological disorder that presents in infancy and is almost always found in girls but can rarely be found in boys.  It’s a disorder caused by mutations on the x chromosome that frequently occur in 8 “hot spots”.  The symptoms of the disorder mirror other conditions, so there are patients who go misdiagnosed – frequently with autism – before Rett Syndrome is properly diagnosed.  Rett Syndrome is confirmed with a blood test and while the condition can be debilitating, with support, love, compassion, and therapy/assistance – those diagnosed can function well in school, community, and do so, often, into their middle aged years.

In the time since her diagnosis, she’s unfortunately lost function in many ways, so much so that she’s wheelchair bound, can no longer speak, and is unable to eat – she’s constantly fed via a tube.  While the severity of her condition is heartbreaking, she still has a brave and passionate spirit and that much is obvious just by looking at her.  Louis caught wind of her deteriorating health, realized how costly this was becoming on her family, and knew he had to help; this is where we can all come together and show everyone once again how passionate One Direction fans are.

Georgie’s Crowdfunding page gives an honest look into what she needs on a day to day basis to maintain function, and the dire need for assistance is very clear.

“With moving, we must return several pieces of vital equipment that have been ‘loaned’ to Georgia by the NHS. These items include hoisting equipment as lifting Georgia is not only dangerous for our backs but also extremely dangerous to Georgias delicate body, specialised seating that provides Georgia with comfort and security but also helps reduce the effects of scoliosis, promote appropriate positioning which in turn eases pressure on her joints particularly her hips, a bath seat which has to be extremely supportive to give Georgia appropriate support but also to protect her during seizures and a profiling bed which not only keeps her safe at night but incorporates a position that decreases some of the suffering she feels every night due to her agonising reflux.

We are desperate to supply Georgia with these pieces of equipment which are essential to Georgias well being particularly as her health has deteriorated somewhat rapidly.”

Louis Tomlinson Encourages Fans to Help His Sweet Friend Georgie 1

So far, 5% of the target goal has been met and there is still plenty of time to donate, spread the word on your social media accounts, and make a difference in Georgie’s life.  There are many ways you can spread kindness on a daily basis, and we can’t think of a better way to do so now than to help Georgie and also bring awareness to Rett Syndrome in the process.

If you want to get involved, please visit her crowdfunding page – you’ll find her entire story, ways to spread the word of Georgie’s need, and a space to leave messages of love and encouragement, which are just as important as donations.

You can also retweet Louis’ Tweet about Georgie to your own followers and encourage them to help in any way that they can.  To find out more about Rett Syndrome, how to get involved, and methods of help for those who know someone with the condition – visit RettSyndrome.org.
