
Father Robert F. Grewen

He was a visionary leader and a man of great knowledge, yet he was humble and very kind. My family met Father Grewen in 1968 when we moved to Syracuse near the Retreat house which was led by him at that time. We were a family of ten, and he was so happy to see that, he immediately invited us to attend weekly Sunday mass at the Retreat House. He became a close friend of our family, often joining us for dinner. He was so fun and interesting to listen to, he made us children feel comfortable and we were always glad to see him. He would often give us good advice, helped us find summer jobs and encouraged us to go to college and three of us eventually attended and graduated from Le Moyne. Father Grewen was a great man and le Moyne was fortunate to have his leadership. God bless him!

Submitted by: Rudolph Muller ‘82

Barbara Maylone Karper

She had a tremendous positive impact on me during my time at Le Moyne College. I was involved in a few different organizations that were lead by her. She was an amazing leader and mentor; smart, energetic, positive and fair. To this day, I am guided by the example that she set. Le Moyne College will always be a special place to me because of her. Thanks, Barb.

Submitted by: Lynn Knapp Blake ‘82

Dr. Geza C. Paikert

In 1968, he was my freshman history professor. He taught me that history is not just a list of boring facts, but a vibrant, relevant discipline. He inspired me to change my major to history. I’m grateful every time I listen to the news and have a historical context to place current events in.

Submitted by: Ellen (Collins) Butz ‘72

Dr. Elizabeth Hayes

She was an amazing asset to my Le Moyne life. Not only is she knowledgeable in her field and a great mentor for an honors thesis, she’d stay up all hours of the night writing me letters of recommendation. When I got to Columbia University for grad schools, my professors told me the letter Dr. Hayes wrote for me was one of their favorites. I am very grateful.

Submitted by: Ms. Korleen G. Brady ‘14

History Department

Although, I studied Business/Finance as a major, I minored in History. The History professors at Le Moyne in the 80’s and early 90’s were second to none. They challenged your thinking and interpretations of historic events. Dr. Bill Telesca, Dr. John Langdon and Dr. Doug Edgerton were fantastic professors and guides when it came to their discipline of history. I learned a lot about Medieval Europe, 20th Century Germany, and Jeffersonian America.

Submitted by: David M. Calkins ‘91

Jesuit Presence

In the sixties Le Moyne had a strong Jesuit presence. They taught academics to high standards, but also included development of one’s personal conscience and the importance of logical thinking. .

Submitted by: Denise S. Galloway ‘64

Dr. Donald Boudreau

He taught me an appreciation for American literature. More importantly he taught me how to write clearly and concisely. This proved to be a valuable asset in my career as a teacher and the secretary of several boards.

Submitted by: Michelle Tarby ‘ 68

Father Frank Nash

I first met his unassuming, yet very caring nature when I set foot in St. Mary’s as a freshman. He made my time at le Moyne feel very secure, like I had a friend and confidant at all times. He married my husband and I seven years later and I am beyond excited to see that he is back at the Heights- makes this reunion year for me extra special.

Submitted by: Laurie Krebs ‘86

Communication and Film Studies Department

Ann Allen, Leslie Bailey Streissguth and Mike Streissguth- those are the rare people who are your professors for four years and your friends for a lifetime.

Submitted by: Michael Bersani ‘10

Father Harold J. Ridley

He mentored me among others, encouraged and supports as well as giving criticism when we needed it. He is surely missed.

Submitted by: Peter Ricciardi ‘87

Le Moyne Turned into Family

Le Moyne is a never ending community of friends new and old that are there for me during every step of my life. The feeling of a faith filled community is with me always no matter how much time or distance passes between us. Le Moyne is my extended family.

Submitted by: Mary C. Eckhardt

William Brower

He was a thoughtful and encouraging friend and mentor to me.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Feist ‘09

Father Harold J. Ridley

I had many wonderful people impact my life at Le Moyne but most important to me was Father Ridley. When I was an SA in Foery, he was the Jesuit on the floor and I enjoyed many of his Sunday night masses. During my senior year, when I was trying to move from carefree college student to a responsible adult, there is no doubt he had the greatest influence on me. He became a friend and advisor and ultimately presided at my wedding. He is truly missed today.

Submitted by: Tim Fennell ‘80

Dr. Cornelius Novelli and Larry Egan

Dr. Novelli was a great teacher and a phenomenal Shakespeare scholar. He is an inspiration and makes you want to learn. I still see him in the theater, and he still remembers things I did in his class nearly 45 years ago. An amazing man. Second is Larry, from my class of ‘71 whose undying dedication to all things Le Moyne has made the members of my class not just former classmates but current friends, who meet several times a year and are closer than we ever could have thought. I am lucky to know them both.

Submitted by: Marcia Mele ‘71

Le Moyne Women’s Tennis Team

Thank you for all the memories and good luck to all of the future teams. Go Phins!

Submitted by: Elizabeth Rhode ‘12

Father Harold J. Ridley

Not only was he a great professor, he was a great person. He cared more than how you were doing academically. We talked about all topics including sports. i think of him frequently and may God bless him.

Submitted by: Andrew J. Marinelli ‘91

Resident Life

The RA’s of Le Moyne do amazing work and we have one of the strongest programs in the world.

Submitted by: Michael Sgro ‘97

Father Joseph M. McShane

Without him, I may not have made it to graduation.

Submitted by: Scilla Pagnattaro Gadjo ‘86

Le Moyne’s Campus

To me, Le Moyne is a feeling. It is family, it is community, it is home. Everyone who works at, or attends, or graduated from Le Moyne contributes to the love I have for our campus community. From Campus Ministry and Student Development, to Athletics and staff, each person I have interacted with leaves me with a smile on my face and a spark in my heart to be the best I can be, and leave the word a better place.

Submitted by: Carissa Miles ‘04

Joseph Hannah

He is a wonderful swim coach, who has taught my daughters much more than how to swim fast. He is the epitome of the Jesuit ideal!

Submitted by: Simon O’Donnell

God Bless St. Mary's

To the “St. Mary’s Girls”, thanks for the memories!

Submitted by: Dr. Mary Beth Dunn ‘86

Father Harold J. Ridley

He made me look in the mirror and helped me understand that my life mattered in the grand scheme. I can never thank him enough for that.

Submitted by: Rodger S. Cilley ‘

To the Coaches

Gratitude to all the coaches and staff committed to educating the whole person and developing incredible student/alumni leaders.

Submitted by: Kristin Shea

Father Frank Nash

He was supportive, helped me grow spiritually and always good for a laugh!

Submitted by: Mrs. Liz T. Fitzgerald ‘82

Dr. Robert Kelly

He helped encourage me to pursue a career in public health and health policy. He gave me a sense of confidence and direction.

Submitted by: Ms. Gloria C. Hale ‘91

Professor Michael Barbour

As a member of Le Moyne Student Dancers I was able to get to know him well and take three of his courses. I was shy, but he was very encouraging of my efforts on the dance floor and in class. It was his belief in me that shaped my leadership skills and still keeps me dancing.

Submitted by: Caira Cramer-Walter ‘99

Tom Niland

He was my basketball coach for three years. He has been my hero ever since. He taught me the meaning of integrity, personal sacrifice, humility, humor and to always do the right thing. He is no longer with us, but he is always with me.

Submitted by: Gerry McDermott ’68

Dr. Ewens

He made me aware of the fact that I was a thinker as well as a questioner.

Submitted by: Mrs. Patricia L. Jokajtys ‘73

Dr. Roger Hiemstra

He transformed my understanding of interest in lifelong, self directed learning. He inspired me to focus my thesis research on this. I created a final product that I still share with colleagues and friends to this day.

Submitted by: Ms. Meredith A. Charles ‘14

Dr. Charles J. Kelly

He was my finest philosophy professor and inspired me academically. Also, the circles of friends who encouraged me, love me and sustained me are my sense of Le Moyne.

Submitted by: Ms. Marybeth Mahrer ‘74

Cathy Leogrande

She inspired me and encouraged me in the field of education.

Submitted by: Mr. Edward P. LoPresti ‘92

Father William Bosch

His inspiring words “You can’t compromise morality.” still resonate with me today!

Submitted by: Mrs. Pamela C. Ilsley ‘73

Dr. Mark Karper

He saw more in me than I did in myself at the time. he encouraged me and supported me in my career interests. He’s the reason I got the fellowship to the University of Cincinnati. He put me on the path that I still follow today.

Submitted by: Roberta Fiore-Kittell ‘82

Father Edward Zogby

He helped me discover my major which changed my life.

Submitted by: Mrs. Maryanna C. Nicholas ‘77

Dr. Julie Grossman

She inspired me to believe in myself and my ability to achieve anything I put my mind to. She taught me the meaning of “empowerment” which, to me, she exemplified.

Submitted by: Miss Suzanne M. Kodya ‘98

Fr. Aloysius J. Owen, SJ

He imparted more wisdom than anyone I have ever known and he had the greatest influence on my core beliefs.

Submitted by: Mr. Samuel B. Vavonese ‘61

Lifelong Friends

The friends I made after fifty years, we are still close and they continue to inspire me.

Submitted by: Mrs. Mary Anne Johnson ‘64

Father Andrew Brady

He helped me discover my major which changed my life.

Submitted by: Mrs. Maryanna C. Nicholas ‘77

James Mckee

He had the most impact on my life at Le Moyne. Frank Fernandez also had a strong impact.

Submitted by: Dr. Carl J Pacini ‘75

Dr. David L. Smith

My 4 years at Le Moyne left an indelible impression on who I am today. My professional achievements can be directly attributed to the late Dr. David Smith. He inspired true analytical thinking and critical learning. His teaching, mentoring, and friendship helped to define who I am today.

Submitted by: Ryan Kmetz '10

Fran Adams

Fran is my family's next door neighbor, and has been a friend and mentor to me. She introduced me to LeMoyne, and continued to be a friendly face during my time as a student. Fran has devoted her life to the well-being all LeMoyne students. Fran IS LeMoyne and one could not exist without the other

Submitted by: Stephen Patrician ‘03

Dr. Breese F. Barbour

He inspired me to become a teacher and college professor.

Submitted by: Stephen J. Bero ‘68

Tom Andino, Mark Godleski, Ann Bersani

They showed me that putting in effort in all things is worth it. Tom Andino inspired my faith through beautiful liturgies and music.

Submitted by: Colleen E. Curtin ‘06

Jesuit Nursing Professors

The Priests who taught us as St. Joseph Nursing students were great!

Submitted by: Yolanda Suchia Malandruccolo, RN ‘56

Frank Fernandez, CPA

He was my advisor and was as kind as he was brilliant. He was a great cheerleader for the school. Great man!

Submitted by: Thomas J. Murphy ‘72

The Jesuit Philosophy

The “Jesuit Philosophy” is what impacted me and continues to influence the priorities of all Le Moyne students. Seems the world needs this philosophy!

Submitted by: Charles F. Jordan ‘67

Rev. Cyril O’Schommer S.J., Guidance Counsellor

I am very grateful for Father’s advice and encouragement while at Le Moyne.

Submitted by: Mary R. Ashmore ‘57

Love at Le Moyne

After meeting and falling in love at Le Moyne, we are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this year. Even better, our oldest daughter will be making her college decision within the next few months and her top choice is Le Moyne.

Submitted by: Eric Truelson ’93 and Rebecca Truelson ‘95

Lifelong Friends

Le Moyne gave me lifelong friends and a continuous desire to learn forever. Loved my four years at Le Moyne.

Submitted by: Mrs. Marleen A. Bilbo ‘73

Father Scott

My Le Moyne is me. It made me the Catholic woman I am today. Fr. Scott who formed my theology, Fr. J.J. O'Brien who was my husband's closest Jesuit. There were so many others. I married my husband (a business professor for over forty years) and it was a blessed marriage. 5 kids, 10 grands, 3 greats. Unfortunately we missed our 50th by three weeks!

Submitted by: Mrs. Margaret Czarniewicz ‘55

Mr. Charles O. Eysaman

I started kindergarten at St. John the Baptist Academy with my brother chuck and graduated high school with him in 1947. We attended Le Moyne College together and graduated together in 1951. We each completed military service, married, and raised families. My brother Chuck died a few years ago but I will always remember him as a kind and selfless brother who went to school with me. God bless him.

Submitted by: Mr. William G. Eysaman ‘51

Daniel Berrigan, S.J.

Dan Berrigan was the most unique person at Le Moyne and had a great influence on my faith.

Submitted by: Gerard W. Frank, MD '62

Father Andrew Brady

I was a member of the first class at Le Moyne for three years. I had a brief stay at Whedam's Hall Seminary followed by two years in the Army. My wife and up packed up and with our two children moved to Syracuse for my Senior Year, graduating in 1955. Each of the Jesuit priests in their special way made a difference for me. Father Andrew Brady was the best. I was a troubled student, having a problem trying to figure out how what I was learning about our Catholic Faith could or would fit in with the realities of life. His door was always open. I don't remember his exact words, but I treasure his influence on me 60+ years later.

Submitted by: Mr. James C. Frenette '55

Rev. Francis X. Flood, S.J.

From the very start my mentor, and the one person who "made a difference" was Fr.Francis X. Flood, S.J. Taken as a whole, the entire Le Moyne experience was one of learning--and what a joy it was!

Submitted by: F. Donald Hoffmann, MD ‘57

The Women of St. Mary’s

Le Moyne offered me a terrific learning environment with faculty and curriculum that taught me how to think, not what to think. This indeed helped shaped me as a person. but the most important influence for me at Le Moyne were the wonderful friendships I made there, beginning on my first day of freshman year on the 5th floor of St. Mary's and continuing for the next 30+ years. I will forever treasure the smart, strong, beautiful women who were my family for 4 years, my confidants thereafter and my heroes still to this day.

Submitted by: Peggy O. McCurry ‘81

Timothy A. Curtin, S.J.

Father Curtin was my religion teacher freshman year and also lived with the freshman and sophomore girls at St. Mary's. He was a very special and caring teacher that saw the good in everyone. The best compliment I ever received was from Fr. Curtin. He told me I had a beautiful mind. I also remember him saying Mass at 11pm on Sunday night in the dorm and we would come wearing our pajamas and slippers!

Submitted by: Marie P. Piccininni '80

Dr. Jonathan Needleman & Mrs. Laurie A. Skerpon

I have two people who I'd consider "My Le Moyne". One is Professor Needleman. If it wasn't for his constant support, encouragement and quirkiness, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish what I did in the math program. My second, but certainly not least, is Laurie Skerpon. She has been my "mom" at Le Moyne since I started working in Accounts Payable. She was always there and so supportive through literally every decision I made.

Submitted by: Jennifer L. White '13

Dr. Cornelius Novelli

Dr. Neil Novelli was and still is an extraordinarily multifaceted man,a scholar, a musician, a writer, and performer. As my teacher, he brought his warmth and humanity, as well as his knowledge and enthusiasm, to the study of Shakespeare, as well as medieval literature. He took kids who were just beginning to wake up intellectually, and had them prepare and present to the class short scenes from Shakespeare's plays. That was a wake-up call to many of them. Shakespeare was not just archaic words on endless pages. Shakespeare was live action, impassioned men and women trying to make their way in life. He brought in outside material, from James Agee's "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men" to a Peanuts cartoon featuring Snoopy dispensing wisdom. Always, he slipped in insights, not just explication of the text. He was teaching Shakespeare AND humanity. Wisdom and kindness. And showing by example how a civilized man should treat the people he was sharing his time on earth with. I was his student many years ago, and I'm very proud to be able to call him my friend today.

Submitted by: Mary Jane Schaefer '67

Mr. Thomas R. Hogan

Tom Hogan was, for many years, THE Drama Department. Did any man ever love the theater more? He was my connection to the theater by running Boot and Buskin on a shoestring, rehearsing and performing in an auditorium with questionable acoustics. His auditions were conducted with kindness and encouragement; his rehearsals were business-like and inspired. He was always prepared, and always willing to work to get the best out of his student actors. It was a surprise when, now and then, this earnest man would let fly, almost under his breath, a bit of witty irony. He pulled his punches. He didn't want to make anyone feel ill at ease, comparing their lack of experience to his mastery. He cast me in a major role in "Richard III" my freshman year, by-passing the seniority system. He believed in me. And when I fell upon a major disaster, mid-way through my junior year, he gave me more support than I ever could have imagined. In fact, I believe that his generosity prevented me from flunking out. (Fr. Monan and John Blasi also had a hand in that.)

Submitted by: Mary Jane Schaefer '67

John Haley, Director of Campus Activities

My life at Le Moyne would not have been the same without John Haley. When I came in as a Freshman, I was desperate for a work study job. John Haley took me on for his LSPB work study crew. With that job I got to go to almost all of the campus activities and functions. I saw how hard John Haley worked to give students fun events on campus. Without John Haley there would be no dances, no comedy nights, no spring Olympics. I would have had a very boring four years of school without John. He keeps the campus humming. So thank you John for giving me four years of fun campus events and for working hard to ensure that everyone on campus has something to look forward to on the weekend.

Submitted by: Carrie Coviello ‘10

Raquel Romeu Professor Emeritus, Foreign Language Department

If it were not for Dr. Romeu, I would not have been able to double-major in Psychology AND Spanish. Not only did she (and the Chair of the Department) allow for the flexibility to do both, but when I had run out of upper level Spanish courses, Dr. Romeu provided me with independent study opportunities in literature, culture, and history, providing a rich academic experience. More than this, however, she was a mentor and friend. Her nephew, Manuel, was in our class year and Dr. Romeu would have the Spanish majors over to dinner giving us a breather from campus life: because of that, I can make a mean arroz con pollo as well as appreciate the subtle difference between Cuban and other types of flan!! I am especially grateful that my son has had an opportunity to meet Raquel as I have shared with him not only the incredible story of her life, but also what a wonderful a person she is!

Submitted by: Maria Randazzo ‘81

Dr. Douglas Egerton Professor

In the Spring semester of 1990 I was a senior completing a double major in History and Psychology. I was taking History 302 – Historical Research and Writing – and preparing to do a major research paper. But I was stuck. I was having a lot of trouble settling on a topic and on how to approach it. One Monday I met with my advisor, Dr. Douglas Egerton. He told me that the previous Friday he had been playing racquetball with Dr. Shawn Ward of the Psychology department and he brought up my dilemma, and the two of them had a suggestion - that I write a psychobiography of an historical figure. With guidance from both of them I went on to write a paper that I am proud to say won an award at graduation. To this day that is one of the first stories I tell people about the individual attention that students receive at LeMoyne – that two of my professors took their personal time on a Friday afternoon to discuss a problem I was having and to help me solve it. That is what LeMoyne is all about to me. I hope they will both be happy to know that I am now a high school teacher, teaching both History and Psychology.

Submitted by: Nancy Meschi Stewart ‘90

James Longo MD

Dr. Longo is a LeMoyne alumnus who epitomizes all the qualities that one would hope a LMC graduate possess. His clinical competence has gained him the reputation as one of the most respected Cardiologists in our region. That competence can only be matched by his unwavering dedication to his profession, empathy and genuine concern for the whole person. Since the inception of the Physician Assistant Program, our college and our students have benefited greatly by our affiliation with him while he has served as Medical Director for our program. As a former PA student fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to rotate with him during my rotations, 14 years later, I still vividly remember things he taught me, both about medicine and about caring for people. He is easily the most sought after preceptor among students and generously precepts multiple students every single year. This can readily be attributed to the respect our students have for him and the fact that they are certain they will learn everything they need to know about Cardiology and how to care for patients with compassion. This, despite the fact that they will have to work 12 or more hours a day to gain this experience. Dr. Longo is Le Moyne. I appreciate who is his and all that he so generously gives of himself to Le Moyne day after day, year after year. Thank you Dr. Longo, you are my LeMoyne!

Submitted by: Beth Cappelletti ‘01

Fr. David Casey, S.J.

Transferring to Le Moyne as a junior had its challenges however I felt welcomed by staff and students. I’m grateful to have maintained many friendships made at Le Moyne. The Jesuit education has continued to enrich my life. I felt supported by the le Moyne community when Father Casey participated in my husband’s funeral.

Submitted by: Mary Anne Pratt ‘67

Ned Harris '71

My Le Moyne is Ned Harris '71. As the Director of Admission, he hired me in 1992 as an admissions counselor and taught me so much both professionally and personally. He was and is a true mentor. I am proud to say that both he and his wife, Barb '73, are still dear friends.

Submitted by: Kasha (Mitchell) Godleski

Dr. Janice Testa

Dr. Janice Testa was a French professor, who I had the good fortune of having more than once, during my Le Moyne experience. Thirty years have not dimmed my memory of her bright, sincere smile. It was a constant though she was challenged, physically from the compromising effects of her arthritis (wheelchair bound), she exuded a genuine love of the language and a joy of sharing it with all of us.

Submitted by: Sharon (Griffin) Janson ‘85

Charles J. Beirne, S.J.

There are certain conversations one never forgets because they completely alter one’s life direction. I had such conversations with the late Father Beirne, a former president of Le Moyne College, and a man I loved, respected and admired. I had just returned from Africa, where I spent the summer teaching and coaching at a school with no running water, and electricity only in a single room. I was unable to work two jobs, like in my previous summers, to save up enough money to pay my tuition, and the additional scholarship money I was hoping for never came through. When I met with Father Beirne, he said “utilize all of the federal student loans you can, and Le Moyne will take care of the rest — just get back in school.” Today, I am an attorney for the U.S. Army, and I proudly served in Afghanistan. Father Beirne was intelligent, sincere, motivated, and focused on making Le Moyne a better place for students by making Syracuse a stronger community.

Submitted by: Capt. Adam J. Bushey ’04

William J. Fallon, Sr.’52

My father, William J. Fallon, graduated in Le Moyne's second class and he is Le Moyne to me. He took me to LeMoyne when I was a senior in high school and insisted Le Moyne was the best place for me and he was right. The Fallon tradition has been huge and my father was so proud that so many Fallons graduated from Le Moyne and my mother, Jane's father Edward Eagan was one of the founding members. We are all so proud to be part of Le Moyne. William J. Fallon was Le Moyne.

Submitted by: Siobhan Fallon Hogan ‘83

Dr. Cornelius Novelli, Dr. William C. Forrest, Mr. George Haskell

Fr. Coury, Drs. Novelli, Forest and Haskell--great English teachers. Fr. John McNeill S.J. for publishing a book on gays and the church.

Submitted by: Richard R. Stoner '65
