The No Limit Soldiers in WCW

The No Limit Soldiers in concept was one of the biggest steaming piles of monkey crap to ever be given the green light in a wrestling organization. That goes to show you that either

A) Master P is a hell of a business man for the simple fact that he pitched this crap to WCW and they jumped on it. However that same business sense would fuck his hustle up out the gate since the jackass ended up making his group look like a bunch of ignorant thugs at their debut....


B)Perhaps it was WCW being WCW.. remember Bobby "Hard Work" Walker, Kazuo "Sonny" Onoo and Harrison "Hardbody" Norris? For those who don't they sued WCW for racial discrimination, google it, interesting stuff but not what we're here for.

Now WCW was a southern based organization. I don't know how in the hell they expected to get a stable like this over. Before you go negative repping me this isn't a color but a culture thing, and hip hop wasn't going to get over no way no how since those rednecks are still mad the North won the war (Yeah I'm a Northerner what's it to ya?). They like country music and their shotguns say you won't tell em otherwise. Works for me.

2) Speaking of Rednecks, WCW even provided some for them to fight. Like 4 wrestlers with nothing more in common than some kind of southern gimmick and maybe a recent feud. Hennig made a faction The West Texas Rednecks which got over huge and I mean huge in that feud.. and their runaway hit song 'Rap Is Crap'. I almost forgot to mention that based on how Master P acted during their debut they couldn't help but look like anything but the hometown heroes who've banded together to take out the trash that just rolled in from the 5th Ward singing all that noise they call northerner music

3) The wrestlers used in the No Limit group.. we'll just say that once Konnan and Mysterio left to form the Filthy Animals we all knew the rest would end up getting fired shortly and never heard from again.
