Thomas Ravenels Former Nanny And Alleged Sexual Assault Victim Wants Southern Charm Producers Hel

It’s been almost a year since police arrested former Southern Charm star Thomas Ravenel after two women accused him of sexual assault, and now one of those women – Dawn Ledwell – wants to make sure Southern Charm producers and Bravo are held accountable for Ravenel’s actions. In addition to the criminal charges, Ledwell is suing Ravenel in civil court, and she is demanding that show producers and the network be included in the suit.

According to The Blast, Southern Charm producers and the Bravo network recently argued in court that Ledwell signed two releases when she appeared on the show as Ravenel and Kathryn Dennis’ nanny. And, they say that Ledwell signed one of those releases after Ravenel’s alleged assault. Therefore, they want the court to toss Ledwell’s lawsuit.

"He’s involved in the process." Ashley Jacobs is getting dating advice from her ex-boyfriend, Thomas Ravenel: #SouthernCharm

— Decider (@decider) August 29, 2019

But, the nanny is firing back, claiming that they didn’t allow her to fully read those releases, and she only appeared on the show because she was Ravenel and Dennis’ nanny. Ledwell says Bravo never paid her, and her case has nothing to do with her brief Southern Charm appearance.

Ledwell added Bravo and Southern Charm producers as defendants in her suit against Ravenel because she believes they are partly to blame for her assault. She argues that the network didn’t provide proper security for her when she appeared on the show, and they never responded to, warned her about, or investigated Ravenel’s actions.

She says that the producers encouraged plot lines focused on alcohol and sex, which caused the “male cast members, including Defendant Ravenel, to suffer from ‘Peter Pan Syndrome’ and they are the “Lost Boys’ and Charleston is their ‘Neverland.’”

Ledwell is asking the court not to dismiss Bravo and Southern Charm producers from the lawsuit because she says that she told them about Ravenel’s alleged assault and they never did anything about it.

Ledwell’s lawsuit and the criminal charges against him aren’t the only legal battles Ravenel is fighting. He is currently battling Dennis over custody of their two kids – Kensie, 5, and Saint, 3 – and the court recently issued a temporary order that splits custody between the exes.

Both Ravenel and Dennis were asking for full custody of the kids. But instead, the court issued a temporary joint custody order with conditions. Neither Dennis or Ravenel are allowed to drink or do illegal drugs around their kids, and either one can ask for a drug and alcohol screening at any time.

Kathryn Dennis Gets Joint Temporary Custody of Children with Thomas Ravenel |

— Lisa (@Lisa48453177) August 22, 2019

Neither parent is allowed to talk negatively about the other in front of the kids, and they also can’t allow the kids to refer to their parents’ boyfriends and girlfriends as “mother” or “father.”


Thomas Ravenel is the primary legal custodian, and the court has ruled that he and Dennis must use the co-parenting app Our Family Wizard to communicate about their kids.
