What did Seth Rollins wear at Night of Champions? Why WWE fans are trolling his attire

Seth Rollins and AJ Styles opened Night of Champions for the World Heavyweight Championship. The audience was pumped to watch the Superstars walk out to the arena in their attention-grabbing gear.

Without a doubt, Seth Rollins walked out to the ramp in a much flashier and more interesting gear than AJ Styles. However, this time the fans didn’t react with their usual enthusiasm about The Drip God’s drip!

The Visionary walked out sporting blue slacks covered with leopard prints around the knees and quads. But this wasn’t the part of his gear that had fans questioning his fashion choice. Apart from the slacks, Seth Rollins was wearing an extremely bizarre top. It was a leopard print buttoned top with a deep v-cut and fluffy yet layered sleeves, which were body-hugging around the forearms but tapered towards the waist.

WWE fans have reacted to his outfit on social media, and even compared him to King Tekken, a fictional character in the Tekken fighting game series.

This isn’t the first time The Drip God has surprised the WWE Universe with his outfits. Fans had quite the reaction when he sported the big red boots from MSCHF at Barclays Center.

However, The Drip God doesn’t let social media reactions change his sense of fashion, and continues to bring bizarre trends to life during WWE live events.

Seth Rollins overpowered AJ Styles at Night of Champions

Even if Seth Rollins’ ensemble didn’t hit the right spot with the fans, his match against AJ Styles definitely did.

From the very beginning, The Visionary and The Phenomenal One captured the fans’ attention with their immaculate performance. Both of them showcased why they are considered revolutionary Superstars by landing each move and selling each hit. Whether it was AJ Styles throwing The Visionary to the turnbuckles with a Suplex or The Visionary performing a brutal Splash on The Phenomenal One, every move was executed to perfection.

In the last moments of the match, The Drip God caught The Phenomenal One mid-air with a Superkick and finished him off with a brutal Stomp. Rollins secured the victory via pinfall, and the audience popped louder than ever with this victory!

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